Analysts agree: Expect many more Chief Digital Officer Jobs in 2015

CDO growth worldwide

Chief Digital Officers Worldwide Growth

Want to know where the Chief Digital Officer and Chief Data Officer jobs are?

Wondering what the experts are saying about the future for CDOs? Look no further.

While we do provide our own original research and forecasts on CDOs, below is a collection of recent reports and articles we’ve compiled over the last few months, showing wide-spread agreement among analysts and industry pundits regarding the increased global demand for Chief Digital Officers, and the role’s continued viability.

With last week’s news of President Barack Obama hiring Jason Goldman as the White House’s first-ever Chief Digital Officer; the many CDOs mentioned in last week’s CDO Career Update; and from the continual additions to our dedicated Career page (we just added an open slot for a CIO at the CIA, and a CDO in the UK’s Business Information and Skills Dept); it is safe to say to that the forecasts are right on track.

[bctt tweet=”The Year of the CDO: @CDOSummit says worldwide, this job is on the rise” via=”no” url=”no”]

So, don’t just take our word for it. We’ve been way ahead of the curve on this, tracking the trend since 2011. Its great to finally see industry-wide acceptance and validation from:

  • Computerworld: Future-proof your IT career: 8 tech areas that will still be hot in 2020: “leadership positions emerging in this field are Chief Analytics Officer, Chief Data Officer, and Chief Digital Officer…”
  • SAP: Digital Transformation: Top 10 Changes Through 2017: “The CDO will replace the CIO.”
  • Korn Ferry’s Top 15 for 2015: The most in-demand C-level positions for the year ahead. (Chief Digital Officer is ranked #3).
  • The Economic Times: Names the Chief Digital Officer as “one of the six highest paying job titles of 2015.”
    • This follows a 2014 report by Mondo indicating that the Chief Digital Officer title topped the list of salaries for digital marketing professionals
  • IDC Reveals CIO Agenda Predictions for 2015: “By 2020, 60% of CIOs in global organizations will be supplanted by the Chief Digital Officer (CDO).”
  • Harvey Nash CIO Survey: “25% of large companies will have CDOs by 2017.”

And the CDO phenomenon is not limited to the US. In both this German and this Spanish article, they have listed the Chief Digital Officer as the number one desired title.

While the mainstream is now finally catching up to the importance of the role, CDO Club founder David Mathison is taking it a step further, and will be keynoting on the upward career trajectory of the Chief Digital Officer during his presentation at the NYC CDO Summit on April 29, 2015.

His topic is: “The CDO Hall of Fame: CDOs who have become CEOs and Board Directors.

As a reminder, every one of our previous CDO Summits has sold out, weeks in advance. The next NYC CDO Summit, presented by Capgemini and hosted at Thomson Reuters on April 29 2015, is just 4 weeks away.

[bctt tweet=”Don’t miss out on the latest news on the biggest developments in social media industry @CDOSummit ” via=”no” url=”no”]

And we are on track to selling out once again. As you may recall from our 2013 event, Thomson Reuters is a lovely facility, but seating is limited.

Don’t wait till the last minute to buy your ticket(s)!


Bernardo Rodriguez, Perry Hewitt, and Sree Sreenivasan at the CDO Summit 2013 at Thomson Reuters in NYC

Be sure to check out the dozens of open posts for Chief Digital Officers, Chief Data Officers, and other C-level digital and data positions on our dedicated career page.

I hope you enjoy the articles below. If we left anything out, be sure to mention it in the comments!.....

*The rest of this article is for CDO Club members only*

NOTE: The CDO Club is now a membership site. You’ll need to register in order to continue enjoying our posts. To register or for more information, click here.

If you are tasked with understanding what digital leaders must do in order to succeed in almost any industry, the best place to learn more is at the Chief Digital Officer Summit.

Take advantage of our Super Early Bird Discount for Amsterdam, London in October 2015, Sydney in February 2016, NYC in April 2016, and Toronto in July 2016. Reserve your place now:

Register Now

The CDO Summit is the “must-attend” digital event of the year. The 2013 and 2014 CDO Summits received stellar endorsements from dozens of speakers and attendees alike:

“The Chief Digital Officer Summit was engaging as much as it was informative. Bringing these incredible leaders together in one place and for one day speaks to David Mathison’s extensive network, his ability to understand the needs of his clients, and to be ahead of the curve in this important space. It was a great use of my time, and I learned more than I ever thought I would. Great networking as well!”

Sandy Soto
VP Executive Talent Acquisition

“The Chief Digital Officer Summit was a very relevant topic for today’s times. I was impressed by the caliber and diversity of the panel speakers, all of whom had something unique and valuable to offer. A great opportunity to learn from the best.”

Amanda Jones-Orengo
Towers Watson

“Sometimes a conference comes along that hits the trifecta – hot topic, high-caliber attendees, and stellar location. The first Chief Digital Officer Summit reached that mark with ease, and I look forward to attending the next one.”

Eric Hellweg
Managing Director, Digital Strategy/Editorial Director
Harvard Business Review

“The Chief Digital Officer Summit was outstanding. Why? Candid panels with top players in the digital community. Splendid break-time conversations. And, savvy facilitation, Mathison Style.”

Margaret Molloy
Chief Marketing Officer

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