“According to a 2013 CDO Club report, there was just one CDO in the world in 2005. That figure was forecast to rise to 1,000 by 2014. And while CDOs are catching on in the U.S., Hughes said Canada is still trailing behind.

The Rise of the Chief Digital Officer
“In light of all these massive changes, it’s no surprise the role of CDO – the executive in charge of all things digital – is becoming increasingly common and increasingly vital for many major organizations. That said, while the CDO role is becoming more commonplace, it hasn’t become so pervasive that it’s fully considered ‘part […]

This Is The Fleeting Era Of The Chief Digital Officer, Says Deloitte
“In 2012, there were just 225 CDOs, according to the CDO Club. That figure has seen hockey stick-curve growth, jumping to 488 in 2013 and 1,000 in 2014. This phenoma, according to Deloitte, is a result of digital strategy becoming core to overall corporate strategy. It’s graduating from its status as a part of the […]

De Chief Digital Officer: Heilige Graal Of Tijdelijke Hype? (The Chief Digital Officer: Holy Grail Or Temporary Hype?)
“Steeds meer organisaties benoemen een apart directielid om het bedrijf door het snel veranderende digitale landschap te leiden. Volgens een recent rapport van de CDO Club groeit het aantal CDO’s sinds 2005 zelfs explosief. Dit jaar zou het aantal wereldwijd verdubbelen van 1.000 naar 2.000. Dat is 800 procent meer dan in 2012.

Chief Digital Officers Continue Global Explosion
“The chief digital officer (CDO) role emerged alongside the digital transformation, and companies are rapidly making room for the position. In a report released in May 2015, The CDO Club estimated that the number of CDOs worldwide would double between 2014 and 2015, from 1,000 to 2,000. This was more than four times that of […]