
CDO Thinking From A Rock Star Perspective
By: Eric Matsunaga “David Mathison(デビッド・マティソン)との出会いは私に衝撃と自信を与えてくれました。Mathison氏はCDO Clubというデジタル分野における世界初の経営陣コミュニティの創始者です。世界各国のメンバーは5000人以上。つまりCDOの本質を知るキーマンなのです。彼は私が昔アーティストだったことを知ってか、こう問いかけてきました。

Does The World Need A New C-Suite Title?
By: Robert Waite “Does the business world need another C-Suite title? There was a time when C-Suite referred to Chief Executive Officers (CEO) and Chief Financial Officers (CFO). Then, over time, we had Chief Operating Officers (COO); Chief Marketing Officers (CMO); Chief Information Officers (CIO); and Chief Communications Officers (CCO).

Take Part In The Dialogue Of The Future
By: Dominic Smith “We are looking forward to an upcoming event from one of our partners, CDO Club. On October 25th, some of the world’s leading speakers and innovators will be attending the CDO Summit in Toronto to discuss the latest digital strategies and technologies in the market today. The conversations will stretch across sectors, […]

CDO DC Summit Takeaways – Digital Business Transformation
By Josette D. Towles: “Grateful for the opportunity to attend the Chief Digital Officer and Chief Data Officer Summit in Washington, DC recently. Many thanks to David Mathison for planning the event! Commercial, non-profit and public sector business and digital leaders gathered together at the summit.