By Takushi Yoshida for DIGIDAY: “An interview with Mr. David Mathison of US CDO Club CEO, CDO Club Japan representative & founder Mr. Jun Kamo, and Domo Japan Country Manager Tomokazu Kawasaki

Chief Digital Officers Attracting Attention In Digitalization of Economy
By Akutsu Yoshikazu for TechRepublic: “As the economy becomes increasingly digital, a unified digital strategy is required for companies. the “Chief Digital Officer” (CDO) title has been established as the person responsible for promoting the digital strategy. The US-based “CDO Club” was established in 2011 by David Mathison as a community centered on the CDO, […]

Who Will Drive Digital Transformation In Future?
“The tribe of CDOs is growing at a fast clip. In an interview on, David Mathison, CEO of the CDO Club, a global community of digital leaders, said, ‘At the end of 2015 there were approximately 2,000 CDOs. CDO hires have been doubling every year and I expect there to be 2,500 CDOs by […]

Meet The Municipal Chief Digital Officer
“New York’s emphasis on the CDO as point person for the start-up culture goes back to Haot, the city’s first CDO, who helped foster cooperation between academia and business, notes David Mathison, founder of the New York City-based CDO Club, which runs “CDO Summit” conferences around the world for chief digital officers and chief data […]

Chief Digital Officers Don’t Stay Long In The Role – Here’s Why
“CEO tenure is on the rise, and now stands at about five years for FTSE 100 CEOs & nine years for Fortune 500 CEOs. Equivalent statistics for CDOs are elusive, but anecdotally CDOs have a much shorter life in role. Expect to see CDO turnover remain high for some time. Here’s why