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Why Us? | Webinars | CDO/CDAO Summits | Previous Agendas | Previous Speakers | Demographics | Sponsors | Exposure/ROI
Media/Analyst CoverageRate CardEndorsements | Highlight Videos | Summit Videos | CDO Club | Bio/Contact | Social Media

Why Us?

We can help you connect with the influential C-level decision-makers in AI, analytics, data, digital, strategy, technology, and innovation through our community and events.

Our community consists of 100,000 email subscribers and an engaged social media following.

We have a 10-year history of convening bespoke events for intimate networking with C-suite decision makers, including delivering the world’s first-ever Chief AI Officer Summit in 2023, and the world’s first Chief Digital Officer Summit in NYC in 2013, London in 2014, then Europe and Australia in 2015.

  • Chief AI Officer Summit (founded 2023): On Thursday December 14, 2023, we delivered the world’s first-ever event for Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers (CAIOs) and leaders in Enterprise Gen AI, hosted by the Institute for Experiential AI at Northeastern University in Boston MA.
  • CDO/CDAO Summits (founded 2013): On Wednesday December 13, 2023, we delivered the 10th annual CDAO Summit, hosted by the D’Amore-McKim School of Business and The Institute for Experiential AI at Northeastern University in Boston MA.
    • The next CDAO Summit will be in Washington DC on October 1, 2024.
  • CDO Club (founded 2011): The CDO Club is the world’s first and largest C-suite community of Chief AI, Chief Analytics, Chief Data, Chief Digital, and CISOs.
    • Social profiles include 64k+ LinkedIn connections/followers, 50k+ X followers on BeTheMedia, CDOSummit, CAIOSummit, and 1.5 million cumulative views on our YouTube channel.
    • Email list includes 100k+ global subscribers, with each person tagged for targeted messaging and tracking.
      • 25,000: Back in 2011, our subscriber list was 25,000+ global Chief Digital Officers, Chief Experience Officers, Chief Innovation Officers, Chief Strategy Officers, and Chief Transformation Officers.
      • 100,000: Today, our list includes 100,000+ global subscribers, including all of the above plus Chief AI Officers, Chief Analytics Officers, Chief Data Officers, CDAOs, Chief Compliance, Governance, Privacy, & Risk Officers, and Chief Technology Officers.
      • Tagged: Subscribers are tagged for targeted messaging and tracking – city, state, country, title, company, and topics of interest such as automation, cloud migration, customer experience, ethics, data fabric, digital transformation, governance, privacy, trust, hybrid multicloud, innovation, regulation, more.

Taken together, our global community and events platform can help you to reach this coveted, C-level demographic both online and off, from targeted campaigns via our website, blog posts, social media, and email list; to intimate roundtables and CDO/CDAO/CAIO Summits, where you can meet these executives face-to-face.

Find out more below, or go directly to our Rate Card now for sponsorship options.

Webinars (2020-Present):

During the 2020-2022 global pandemic, we produced and delivered online virtual webinars that consistently delivered targeted leads to meet the desires of our partners Alation, Collibra, IBM, Insight Partners, Sumo Logic, and Transmit Security, among others.

Webinar topics were both broad and deep, and included AI, Analytics, Automation, Cloud Migration, Ethics, Data Fabric, Governance, Privacy, Trust in Data, Hybrid Multicloud, Innovation, Regulation, among many others.

Sponsors looked to us to supply both c-level expert speakers, plus registered attendees who expressed interested in specific topics.

We consistently delivered 2-3x the number of targeted registrants that we were contractually obligated to provide.

For example, our bi-monthly 3-year campaign for IBM’s “AI Accelerator” team delivered thousands of targeted AI, analytics, and data registrants to IBM’s “CDO/CTO Summit” series of 16 online webinars and three live, in-person summits from 2020-2023.

You can see each campaign and all webinars below.

Collectively and individually, they showcase our ability to deliver c-level speakers and engaged audiences based on our sponsor’s desires.

You can view every single one of those webinars and events below:

IBM 2022
IBM 2021
IBM 2020

3/9/22: Leadership In Challenging Times
4/13/22: AI to Reinvent the Enterprise
6/15/22: Data Fabric
8/17/22: Privacy Expanded
11/9/22: CDO Summit West (SF, CA)
12/6/22: CDO Summit East (Boston)

2/24/21: How Leading Orgs Are Accelerating
4/21/21: CDOs/CTOs Lead in Turbulent Times
6/16/21: Getting Back in the Building
8/18/21: Building & Creating Trust in Data
10/20/21: Balancing Innovation w/ Regulation
12/08/21: Year-End Recap, Awards, Finale

6/24/20: Lead During Turbulent Times
07/22/20: AI, Ethics, and Trust
8/12/20: Data, Digital, & Tech Partners
9/16/20: Data Privacy and Governance
10/14/20: Hybrid Multicloud Use Cases
11/18/20: Year End Series Finale

6/30/21 Is the CDO Really A “CEO”?
7/13/21: Data Access Myths Busted
9/22/21: Automation: Beyond the Hype
5/11/22: Future of Data/AI: What’s Next?


CDO/CDAO Summits:

Previous Event Re-Caps and Websites

CDAO Summits:

  • In February 2013, we delivered the world’s first-ever Chief Digital Officer Summit hosted by Thomson Reuters in New York City.
  • On December 13, 2023, our 10th anniversary CDAO Summit was hosted by the D’Amore-McKim School of Business and the Institute for Experiential AI at Northeastern University in Boston, MA.
    • In those ten years we have produced and delivered events in Amsterdam, Boston, Istanbul, London, Madrid, New York City, San Francisco, Sydney, Tel Aviv, Tokyo, Toronto, and Washington DC, as well as dozens of online, virtual webinars.
    • Three NYC summits were held at Thomson Reuters, two were hosted by Columbia University, one was held at CNN/Time Warner; our first London event was held at the BBC; and our inaugural Toronto event was held at Thomson Reuters.
  • Our 11th CDAO Summit will be in Washington DC on October 1, 2024.

Chief AI Officer Summits:

  • On December 14, 2023, we delivered the world’s first-ever Chief AI Officer Summit, hosted by The Institute for Experiential AI at Northeastern University in Boston, MA on 12/14/23.

See venues, speakers, sponsors, delegates, agendas, re-caps for all live events below:

2nd CAIO Summit
Washington DC – October 2, 2024
11th CDAO Summit
Washington DC – October 1, 2024
1st-ever CAIO Summit Boston 12/14/23
Re-cap | Website


10th CDAO Summit Boston 12/13/23
Re-cap | Website
IBM NYC June 2023
Re-cap | Website
IBM Boston Dec 2022


IBM SF Nov 2022Re-capWebsite 2020-2022: Webinar Re-caps | Videos  Fukuoka 2019: Website


Madrid 2019Re-capWebsite  NYC 2019Re-capWebsite  NYC 2018Re-capWebsite


London 2018Re-capWebsite  Wash DC 2017: Speakers  Tokyo 2017Re-capWebsite


 Sydney 2017Re-capWebsite NYC 2017Re-capWebsite  Toronto 2017Re-capWebsite


 Tel Aviv 2016Re-capWebsite NYC 2016Re-capWebsite  Sydney 2016Re-capWebsite


 London 2015Re-capWebsite  Turkey 2015Re-capWebsite  Amsterdam 2015Re-capWebsite


 London 2014 at BBC Re-capWebsite  NYC 2014 at CNN: Re-capAgenda  NYC 2013 at Reuters: Re-capAgenda

CDO/CDAO Summits:


AGENDAS for Previous Events
All of our programs are meticulously curated in collaboration with our partners, sponsors, and speakers to feature a balance of cutting edge keynotes, informative panels, and networking breaks that provide quality time for interacting with C-suite AI, analytics, data, and digital decision-makers.

CDO/CDAO Summits:

SPEAKERS at Previous Events

Our CDO/CDAO Summits have featured C-suite AI, analytics, data, and digital executives from the world’s most prestigious organizations.


Speakers have included CDOs/CDAOs from IBM, The White House, the City of Boston, NY City, NY State, City of Vancouver and Toronto, Ontario (Canada), the BBC, Renault, the CMO of GE, and the CEO of Australia’s Digital Transformation Agency, among many others.


Click the images and links below to see all the speakers at our previous Summits. 


Jeff Boudreau
Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer
Dell Technologies

See 2023 CAIO Speakers
Mojgan Lefebvre
EVP; Chief Operations and
Technology Officer
See 2023 CDAO Speakers
Nickle Lamoreaux
Senior Vice President &
Chief HR Officer

See 2023 NYC Speakers

Jesus Mantas
Global Managing Partner
See 2022 Boston Speakers

Inderpal Bhandari
Global Chief Data Officer
Office of the CDO

See 2022 SF Speakers


TEL AVIV 2019 NYC 2019 FUKUOKA 2019 NYC 2018 TEL AVIV 2018
Amit Kama
CDO Club Israel
See 2019 Tel Aviv Speakers
Atif Rafiq
Former President,
MGM Resorts International
See 2019 NYC Speakers
Koichi Narasaki
Group Chief Digital Officer
Sompo Holdings, Inc.
See 2019 Fukuoka Speakers
Anthony Scriffignano
SVP, Chief Data Scientist
Dun & Bradstreet
See 2018 NYC Speakers
Tal Langevich Avraham
CDO Digital & Innovation
Clal Insurance
See 2018 Tel Aviv Speakers


TOKYO 2018 LONDON 2018 NYC 2017 TEL AVIV 2017 TOKYO 2017
Kazuo Iwano
Chief Digital Officer
Mitsubishi Chemical
See 2018 Tokyo Speakers
Lauren Sager Weinstein
Chief Data Officer
Transport for London
See 2018 London Speakers
Bob Lord
Chief Digital Officer
See 2017 NYC Speakers
Brian Solis
Principal Analyst
See 2017 Tel Aviv Speakers
Tsuguhide Nagase
Chief Digital Officer
See 2017 Tokyo Speakers


Hillary Hartley
CDO & Deputy Minister for
Digital Government

See 2017 Toronto Speakers
Gerrit Lansing
Chief Digital Officer
The White House
See 2017 DC Speakers
Clive Dickens
Chief Digital Officer
Seven West Media
See 2017 Sydney Speakers
Lauren Lockwood
Chief Digital Officer
City of Boston
See 2016 NYC Speakers
Omer Milwidsky
Chief Digital Officer
Meitav Dash
See 2016 Tel Aviv Speakers


Rebekah Horne
Chief Digital Officer
National Rugby League
See 2016 Sydney Speakers
Patrick Hoffstetter
Chief Digital Officer
See 2015 AMS Speakers
Joris Merks-Benjaminsen
Head of Digital Transformation
See 2015 UK Speakers
Sree Sreenivasan
Chief Digital Officer
Metropolitan Museum of Art
See 2015 NYC Speakers
Mike Bracken
Executive Director,
UK Digital Cabinet Office
See 2014 UK Speakers


NYC CNN/Time Warner 2014 NYC Thomson Reuters 2013
Daniel Heaf
Chief Digital Officer
See 2014 NYC Speakers
Vivian Schiller
SVP & Chief Digital Officer

NBC News
See 2013 NYC Speakers



Who Attends the CDO/CDAO and CAIO Summits?

Delegates at our CDO/CDAO and CAIO Summits are mostly C-level and are just as influential as the speakers on stage.

At our events you will meet some of the world’s leading strategists and practitioners in AI, analytics, data, digital transformation, innovation, customer experience, and cybersecurity, both on stage and in the audience.

A spreadsheet listing all speakers and delegates from every
CDO/CDAO Summit to date (title and company) is available here.

NOTE> Speakers and delegates at sponsored events are a reflection of the desires of the sponsors.

All events, speakers, delegates, and agendas were curated according to the specifications of our sponsors.

Given the depth and breadth of our 100,000 global subscribers, we are confident in our ability to deliver targeted leads for your campaign.

That’s why Accenture, IBM, and more have worked with us consistently over multiple years in various cities and countries.

We deliver targeted results.


Thanks to our Sponsors!

Since we launched the world’s first-ever CDO Summit in 2013, we have subsequently attracted some of the world’s most prestigious organizations as sponsors and partners, including Accenture Digital, Accenture Strategy, Adobe, BBC, Bloomberg, CapGemini, EY, Harvey Nash, IBM, Informatica, McKinsey & Company, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters, and Time Warner, among many others.

Click here or on the image below to see a selection of sponsors at our previous events.


Exposure/ROI: Sponsor Impact Report

We provide our partners with targeted reach, impact, and engagement – before, during, and after the Summit itself.

Our proprietary Sponsor Impact Reports summarize your campaign’s effectiveness across all media – traditional, mobile, and social.

The report measures reach from the combined effect of our emailers, blog posts, media coverage, press releases, social media, and our ad campaigns via Google, LinkedIn, and X.com.

We put all the metrics into one report to make it easier to calculate an ROI on your sponsorship investment. 

See our Sponsor Impact Report for the NYC CDO Summit on April 29, 2015.

Media And Analyst Coverage

We are one of the LEADING SOURCES for the press and analysts on Chief AI Officers, Enterprise Gen AI executives, CDOs, CDAOs, digital transformation, data-driven culture, and real-time analytics.

We have been quoted by American Banker, Axios, CIO.com, CIO Journal, CIO-UK, CMS Wire, CNBC, Computer Weekly, Computerworld, Deloitte, Diginomica, Dow Jones MarketWatch, EdTech Magazine, eMarketer, FedTech Magazine, FierceCIO, Financial Times, Forbes, GovCIO,  Guardian, Huffington Post, HR Executive, I-CIO, LinkedIn News, McKinsey & Company, Media Post, MIT Sloan Management Review, VentureBeat, Wall Street Journal, and ZDNet, among others.

See select articles below. All press mentions are in our Media Room.


What Are Your Options?

We have a wide variety of current options, or we can craft a unique proposal to meet your specific needs.

Sponsorship packages are available for the CDO Club, the CDO Summits, or both. 

The most effective strategy combines both options into a strategic, prolonged, multi-channel marketing campaign. The CDO Summits provide intimate, face-to-face connections, while the CDO Club sponsorship gets you beyond the four walls of the event to our thousands of registered CDO Club members, tens of thousands of email subscribers, and our extensive social media platforms.

For maximum global or domestic exposure, we also offer multi-year and multi-city discounts. 

See all sponsorship options on the Rate Card here >

260+ Endorsements!

Sponsoring the CDO Summit / CDO Club will help you build relationships, reach your target audience, and grow your business. 

But don’t take our word for it, see what more than 260 past speakers, attendees, and sponsors had to say about us!

Check out all of our 260+ Endorsements from your peers here. 

Sometimes a conference comes along that hits the trifecta – hot topic, high-caliber attendees, and stellar location.
The first Chief Digital Officer Summit reached that mark with ease, and I look forward to attending the next one.

– Eric Hellweg: Former Managing Director, Digital Strategy/Editorial Director at Harvard Business Review



David, here’s a handy C^3 test for conference value: Did I learn at least three new perspectives? Check. Did I meet at least three interesting people? Check. Did I take back at least three relevant pieces of news I can use? Check. Flying colors for the Chief Digital Officer Summit 2013! Thank you so much, and yes, I’d be very pleased to participate next year!
Perry Hewitt: Former Chief Digital Officer at Harvard University


Highlight Videos

For more endorsements, see highlight video reels from select CDO Summits below:

NYC 2016

Amsterdam 2015

Sydney 2016


UK 2015

UK 2014

NYC 2013

Previous CDO/CDAO Summit Videos

Videos of all CDO/CDAO Summit keynotes and panels are available for CDO Club PLATINUM Members here (registration required): https://cdoclub.com/video-archive

Select videos from our NYC CDO Summits in 2013 and 2014 are also available on our YouTube channel, including this fireside chat from our 2014 NYC CDO Summit at CNN, featuring Rachel S. Haot, then Chief Digital Officer for NYC:


CDO Club: Our Members

Our members include C-suite executives who are responsible for Artificial Intelligence (AI), analytics, data-driven culture, and/or digital transformation at the world’s most prestigious organizations. 

You do not have to be a “CDO” to join!

Our registered members and 100k email list subscribers include Chief AI Officers, Chief Analytics Officers, Chief Data Officers/Scientists, CDAOs, Chief Digital Officers, CHROs, CISOs, Chief Governance, Information, Innovation, Privacy, Risk, Strategy, Technology, Transformation, and CMOs/Chief Marketing Technology Officers, as well as CEOs/Presidents and Board Directors/Non-Executive Directors. 

Members receive access to breaking news, original research, career development support, networking opportunities, and inspirational events like the CDO/CDAO and Chief AI Officer Summits to help them succeed in navigating today’s rapidly evolving, highly complex and competitive AI/analytics/data/digital environments.

One of our most popular CDO Club features is the monthly CDO JOBS Update for Chief Digital Officers and Chief AI/CDAO Officers.

Join, find out more, and see all CDO Club membership benefits here.

Teddy Goff: Digital Director, President Barack Obama’s 2008 & 2012 campaigns
Rachel S. Haot: US CDO of the Year 2014
Michael Doernberg, Brian Lakamp, Eric Garland, Bill Campbell, and Dick Wingate
Riley McDonough (Thomson Reuters) and Vivian Schiller (NBC News)
Michael Smith: President at Forbes.com
Fred Santarpia: Chief Digital Officer at Conde Nast
Ellie Hirschhorn: Chief Digital Officer at Simon & Schuster
Daniel Heaf, Jason Seiken, Albert Cheng, Jason Tafler, and Esmeralda Swartz
Daniel Heaf, Jason Seiken, and Albert Cheng
Margaret Molloy and Mary Ann Pierce
Michael Smith, Fred Santarpia, David Kang, Joe Bilman, and Ellie Hirschhorn
David Kang (Wenner Media) and Joe Bilman (American Media Inc.)
Chief Digital Officers Bernardo Rodriguez, Perry Hewitt, and Sree Sreenivasan
Ana Serrano, Elizabeth Scott, Christine Montgomery, and Tom Hjelm
Ana Serrano: Chief Digital Officer at Canadian Film Centre
Mayer Danzig, Jonathan Sackett, Josh Golden, and Angela Wei
Jane Barratt: Chief Operating Officer at mcgarrybowen
Daniel Backhaus
Jörg Malang, George Gollub, and Mark Keys
Bill Campbell: SVP, Digital Business at Universal Music Group
Scott Singer (DDG), Perry Hewitt (Harvard University), and David Payne (Gannett)
Margaret Molloy, Christine Montgomery, and Janet Scardino
Harriet Seitler, Katerina Markov, Laxmi Wordham, and Rosemary Maggiore
Jason Seiken (PBS) and Tom Hjelm (New York Public Radio)
David Payne: Senior Vice President and CDO at Gannett Co., Inc.
David Shing: Digital Prophet at AOL
Elizabeth Scott: Chief Media and Digital Officer at Lincoln Center
David Chivers, Chris Hooven, Jonathan Sackett, and David Shing
David Mathison, Chan Suh, and Jay Rosenzweig
Angela Wei: Managing Director at AGENCY (Milk Studios)
Linda Perry-Lube, Thomas Gensemer, David Richeson, Steve Rubel, and Scott Schneider
Scott Swartz, Jeremy Legg, Mehul Nagrani, and Joe Ruffolo
Cammie Croft, Jay Geneske, and Laxmi Wordham
Eric Hellweg (Harvard Business Review), Perry Hewitt (Harvard University), and Sree Sreenivasan (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Kristen O’Hara, Thomas Gewecke, Dan Suratt, Kristin Frank, and Lisa Hsia
Daniel Heaf, David Payne, Justin Tobin, and Eric Hellweg

CDO Club: CDO/CDAO of the Year

The CDO Club gives the annual “CDO/CDAO of the Year” award to inspiring analytics, data, and digital leaders. The award recognizes both Chief Digital Officers (since 2013) and Chief Data/Analytics Officers (since 2016).

See select recipients below, and all winners of the CDO of the Year award here.

CDO Club: Hall of Fame

The CDO Club is the only organization tracking the ‘CDO to CEO’ career path – also known as the Hall of Fame – those CDOs who have become CEO/President or Board Director/Non Executive Director (NED).

Since 2011, more than 100 CDOs have made that leap, a startling statistic considering the limited number of executives who hold that exact title, and especially when compared to the much larger number of CIOs, CTOs, and CMOs who have not made that upward move.

In May 2018, we jointly pubished a report with Bain Capital on this trend titled “101 CDOs Who Have Become CEO/Presidentwhich can be downloaded here.

See our Hall of Fame page for all those who made this career move.



David Mathison is the CEO and founder of the CAIO Summit, CDO Club, and CDO/CDAO Summits.

Mathison is the world’s leading authority on Chief AI Officers, Chief Data and Analytics Officers, and Chief Digital Officers. In 2023 he delivered the world’s first-ever Chief AI Officer Summit. In 2013 he produced the world’s first Chief Digital Officer Summit and published the first CDO Talent Map.

He has been quoted by American Banker, Axios, CIO.com, CIO Journal, CIO-UK, CMS Wire, CNBC, Computer Weekly, Computerworld, Deloitte, Diginomica, Dow Jones MarketWatch, EdTech Magazine, eMarketer, FedTech Magazine, FierceCIO, Financial Times, Forbes, GovCIO,  Guardian, Huffington Post, HR Executive, I-CIO, LinkedIn News, McKinsey & Company, Media Post, MIT Sloan Management Review, VentureBeat, Wall Street Journal, and ZDNet, among others. 

See Mathison’s full biography here.


  • US Tel: +1 516 488-1143
  • Email: info at CDO club dot com

Social Media

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