The CDO Club held its 4th annual NYC CDO Summit, presented by Centric Digital, on April 27, 2016, at Thomson Reuters in New York City. The CDO Summit addressed the challenges and opportunities arising from Big Data, the cloud, digital disruption, and social and mobile media, with an in-depth discussion surrounding the rising voice of the Chief […]

Meet Top Media Chief Digital Officers at the NYC CDO Summit on April 27, 2016
The media sector continues to hire Chief Digital Officers, and considering that it was the first and most strongly affected by digital disruption, this should come as no surprise. The Harvard Business Review recently reported that 72% of media executives in a recent Russell Reynolds Associate survey anticipate moderate or massive digital disruption in the […]

Digital leaders for Oprah, Lady Gaga, Rachael Ray, and Michael J Fox discuss protecting personal brands at Chief Digital Officer Summit
“It’s so different…with a person, you’re dealing with an emotional relationship and their reputation.” That distinction—how managing fans of a personality, versus those of a product—was shared by Rosemary Maggiore, President of Rachael Ray Digital, at the 2013 Chief Digital Officer Summit Entertainment Panel. Maggiore was one of four prominent digital executives discussing the pitfalls […]