“Companies promoted at least 11 chief digital officers (CDOs) to CEO last year. It marks the third straight year more CDOs rose to the top of their organization. David Mathison, CEO of the CDO Club and CDO Summit, shared those numbers with CMSWire after NIKE Inc. promoted Adam Sussman from director of global strategy and […]

Digital Transformation: What Is A Chief Digital Officer?
“David Mathison, who collaborates with many CDOs, explains the role and why it is important. Read this post and watch the video to learn about modern Chief Digital Officers.

Patrick Hoffstetter (Renault) nommé Chief Digital Officer européen de l’année 2015
“David Mathison, le fondateur du CDO Club explique : nous reconnaissons la vision stratégique, le leadership et les compétences de Patrick qui permettent d’enclencher la transformation numérique d’une si grande organisation, dans le monde entier, opérant dans un secteur désormais

50 Marketing Thought Leaders Over 50
“We’ll see more digital marketing professionals emerge as leaders in their organizations. A good example is Linda Boff at GE. She was previously Executive Director, Global Digital Marketing, and was recently promoted to CMO. Expect to see more widespread adoption in the F-500 of titles reflecting this trend, such as Chief Marketing Technologists, Chief Digital […]

CDO Turkey Presents “Leaders of Digital Transformation” Summit, Sponsored by Samsung Turkey
“CDO Turkey Danışma Kurulu Üyesi, TÜBİYAD Başkanı ve EuroCIO Yönetim Kurulu ÜyesiAli Malaz’ın evsahipliğinde Türkiye’ye gelen ve tüm dünyada CDO hareketinin başlatıcılarından biri olarak kabul edilen CDO Club kurucusu David Mathison’ın da konuşmacı olarak yer aldığı etkinlikte; CDO Turkey İcra Kurulu Başkanı Bülent Kutlu moderatörlüğünde “Türkiye’de Dijital Değişimin Yol Haritası” başlıklı bir panel de gerçekleşti.