“For starters, CDOs are hot property. According to the CDO Club salaries for a Chief Digital Officer range from $89,000 to $600,000, with the median falling between $250,000 and $300,000. That means CDOs are paid more than CMOs where top earnings are around £160k according to our own Salary Survey 2015.

MBA Careers: Business Seeks Tech-Savvy Leaders For Digital Transformation
“At a senior level, demand is evident in the rise of the chief digital officer — the number of digital chiefs is expected to double this year to 2,000, according to the CDO Club, an executive community.

Les Leaders du Digital en France (Leaders of Digital in France)
“Some CDO think their functions could be brought to disappear in the coming years once all companies have been ‘digitized.’ We believe, however, that this function CDO should strengthen and develop in the coming years, potentially cannibalizing other business functions such as Marketing and / or Sales Management. Some might be appointed to positions in […]

Chief Digital Officer – Who, What, Why, When, Where, How?
“The role isn’t new. In fact it has been around for more than a decade. But it was in 2012 that organisations really started taking notice and by the end of 2014, the world’s largest network of chief digital and data officers, the CDO Club, said that about 1,000 CDOs had been recognised worldwide

Strategy, Not Technology, Drives Digital Transformation
“David Mathison, founder of the CDO Club, a global professional community of digital officers, concurs. ‘The technical part of a chief digital officer’s job is becoming less and less important,’ he says. ‘Hitting the ground running and building digitally enabled businesses are becoming much more critical.’