“El informe ‘Chief Digital Officer Club Talent Map 2013‘ de CDO Club, una asociación que une a este tipo de directivos, auguró un buen futuro para la figura del Chief Digital Officer. The report ‘Chief Digital Officer Club Talent Map 2013’ from CDO Club, an association that unites these executives predicted a bright future for […]

5 Ways Technology Will Shape Your Finance Career in 2015
“The need of Chief Digital Officer (CDO) has seen a significant growth since 2005. According to the CDO Club 2014 report, there will be 1000 more CDO’s by the end of 2014. The role of a CDO is to strategize and monitor other market players and engage the fintech ecosystem, create social solutions for investment […]

Higher Ed: Meet The Chief Digital Officer
“Taking a page from the corporate playbook, some universities are creating a new C-level title focused on moving the academy into the digital age. There is a Chief Digital Officer Summit that brings people together from many sectors to share ideas.

Neun Unverzichtbare Jobs (Nine Indispensable Jobs)
“Gab es 2013 weltweit nur 488 solcher Stellen, soll sich ihre Anzahl laut dem Netzwerk CDO Club schon bis zum Ende des Jahres verdoppeln.” (In 2013, there were only 488 executives holding this title worldwide. This number is expected to double by the end of 2014, according to the CDO Club.)

CDOs, CIOs And The Shared Goal Of Agile Customer Experience
“There’s been quite a bit of discussion lately of the rise of the Chief Digital Officer (CDO). In fact, research firm IDC recently made headlines by predicting the CDO would supplant two-thirds of CIOs at global companies by 2020.The rationale seems to be that CDOs will deliver the technology driven products and services, as well […]