“The number of chief digital and chief data officers keep doubling every year as organizations seek leadership to embrace tech-driven opportunities. Data published by the Chief Digital Officer Club shows that the number of chief digital officers worldwide (or, almost interchangeably, chief data officers) continues to double from year to year, growing from about 500 […]

Why The Rise Of The CDO Role Represents A Power Grab
“When you go to the CDO Summit, a fascinating set of events focused on the role, the people who attend are older in general than the general tech crowd. Now, the CDO role, staffed by people who were technology outsiders, may become the most important players in defining the role of technology in many businesses. […]

Why Digital Really Means Marketing
“When I attended the CDO Summit earlier this year I finally understood the true meaning of digital: The application of marketing techniques to all phases of technology adoption. When I looked around me at the meeting, which was full of people who were Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) or who were aspirants to that role, it […]

Chief Digital Officer VS. Chief Data Officer: Who Will Win The Day?
“On the other hand, the chief digital officer role is viewed by some CDOs as stepping stone to even higher ground. At the Chief Digital Officer Summit in New York City last April, David Mathison, founder of the CDO Club and summit curator, shared research documenting a trend of digital officers moving into the chief […]

So You Want To Be A CDO (Or Not)?
“What’s really interesting, when you start looking at the CDO role, is where they come from,” says David Mathison, founder of the CDO Club and producer of the CDO Summit (www.cdosummit.com). “Many CDOs were previously presidents, CEOs and general managers — in the advertising sector, as many as 60%. They’re entrepreneurs and have had P&L […]