“Last month, State of New York CDO and deputy secretary for technology, Rachel S Haot, was named the 2014 Chief Digital Officer of the Year by the CDO Club at their summit in New York.

Don’t Let A Chief Digital Officer Steal The Best Part Of Your Job
“The CDO role is fulfilling promise that CIOs and CTOs have often aspired to,” said David Mathison, organizer of the upcoming CDO Summit in NYC on April 22-23. “While CIOs and CTOs often struggle to fit the idea of business leadership into their roles, the entire mission of a CDO is leadership. In my view, […]

Chief Digital Officer, Avanti Tutta Negli Usa Mentre l’Europa Arranca
“Sono dati che emergono dal Chief Digital Officer Talent Map, uno studio che sarà presentato ad aprile, di cui il Corriere delle Comunicazioni è in grado di offrire un’anticipazione, elaborato da David Mathison (nella foto), imprenditore, esperto di new media e scrittore ma soprattutto founder del Cdo Club e curatore del Chief Digital Officer Summit, […]

Chief Digital Officer – Identity Crisis?
“The increasing number of Chief Digital Officer – CDO – appointments appears to be following the Gartner 2012 predictions that, by 2015, 25% of companies will have appointed a CDO. David Mathison, curator of CDO Club reports that he has seen an increase from 75 CDOs in major organisations worldwide in 2011 to over 300 […]

Data Can Be Source Of Power
“There is an important consequence of this increasing focus on customer data and customer experience, says David Mathison, a New York-based executive search specialist and founder of the CDO Club, a networking organisation for chief digital officers and others in related roles. An understanding of data analysis techniques and approaches is now a must-have skill […]