“Essentially, the CDO skillset is entrepreneurial. It’s not really about technology tools or marketing savvy, but about being able to run a business, grow revenues and cut costs. It’s about demonstrable experience of successfully handling profit/loss responsibility,” Mathison explains. “CDO to CEO is starting to look like a much faster career track than CIO to […]

CDOs Are Reaching New Heights — And Quickly
“When you look at their backgrounds and skill sets, they’re coming up from entrepreneurial and managerial backgrounds, Mathison says. These people — if they are successful — will probably be running the show in three to five years. I’ve been surprised at how quickly it’s happening.

Il club dei Chief Digital Officer. Quale evoluzione per i CIO?
“Pensi che il Vecchio Continente sia pronto per l’introduzione di questi professionisti? DAVID MATHISON: ‘Assolutamente, sì. Dall’inizio del 2013 a oggi, ci sono stati 177 nuovi assunti con il ruolo di CDO, cioè una media di uno al giorno. Settantacinque di questi erano in Europa, con una crescita che riguarda soprattutto Bulgaria, Repubblica Ceca, Danimarca, […]

The Chief Digital Officer Trend
“I recently interviewed David Mathison on how CDO’s can impact the growth, innovation and sustainability of companies. Mathison is the curator of the Chief Digital Officer summit and founder of the CDO Club. More than 65% of global CDOs are members.

Will Today’s Chief Digital Officers Become Tomorrow’s CEOs?
“Good conversation today with David Mathison at Chief Digital Officer Club https://cdoclub.com. One insight that surfaced is that CDOs are starting to be elevated to CEO roles. Its way too early to call this a trend, but there are a few reasons to think that it might become one