“From the horse’s mouth: the shifting role of the CDO from four experienced chief digital officers. View the video from cdoclub.com of What do Chief Digital Officers Do: The 3 Roles CDO’s Must Play to Succeed in Any Industry. Panelists include David Chivers, Chris Hooven, Jonathan Sackett, and David Shing.”

Please Stop Innovating – Digital Heresy From Accenture
“That one took the audience by surprise. You could almost feel a ripple of disquiet round the room as an audience of CDOs used to having the orthodoxy of innovation preached at them from every vendor pulpit struggled to take this heresy in. Singh, who’s recently returned to the UK after many years in Silicon […]

Zehn Digi-Jobs, Die 2015 Unverzichtbar Sind
(Ten Digi – Jobs That Are Indispensable In 2015)
“Gerade in Unternehmen der Old Economy, in denen die Digitalisierung noch nicht so weit fortgeschritten ist, sorgt ein Chief Digital Officer für Schwung. (Especially in old economy firms in which digitization is not as far advanced , provides a Chief Digital Officer for momentum. In 2013 worldwide there was only 488 such bodies , their […]

De-risking A Wholesale Shift To Cloud IT
“The growth of digital transformation across Whitehall could not have been marked more significantly than by Mike Bracken’s stating he would change his title from executive director of the Government Digital Service (GDS) to the government’s chief digital officer (CDO), after being awarded CDO of the year at the Chief Digital Officer Summit 2014.”

Congratulations Mike Bracken, UK Chief Digital Officer Of 2014
“Yesterday diginomica attended the Chief Digital Officer Summit in London, a splendidly content-rich event to which we will be returning over the next few days as we get our heads round all the great stuff that came out of the day.