Web3 Summit (S1Ep2)

DApps, NFTs, Smart Contracts

The revolution will be tokenized.”

The shift to Web3, Blockchain, and the Metaverse is disrupting and revolutionizing traditional businesses at an unprecedented pace, while simultaneously opening up massive new opportunities, audiences, business models, and revenue streams for both individuals and organizations.

The centralized models of Web1 and Web2 saw the emergence of online superpowers such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon, capturing both our personal user data AND the lion’s share of the monetary value created on the internet.

Web3 shifts the power from large companies to individual creators, through blockchain technology and decentralization, transparency, and openness.

Web3 gives individual creators control over their content, and a direct relationship with their True Fans and supporters, without intermediaries, by replacing centralized entities with decentralized networks that distribute the value to creators, users, and developers.

Participants can even join in the creation, operation, and governance of the platforms and protocols themselves.

It’s enabling the global renaissance of creativity that I first outlined in my 2008 book, Be The Media, and is a continuation of my pioneering work in distributed applications during Web1 in the mid-1990s at Reuters and subsequently as CEO at the Kinecta Corporation, which is now part of Oracle.

The CDO Club is the largest global community of CDOs, CAOs, CTOs, and CXOs – executives who face and overcome disruption every day.

Digital Transformation is their job. But Web3 is different.

Web3 is completely re-aligning everything we know about online and offline businesses.

The Web3 transition is already underway.

Join your c-suite peers at our Web3 Summit series – register now below!

Below are some of the topics we will cover in this series:

Blockchain Dapps (Decentralized Apps) DEXs (Decentralized Exchanges) Smart Contracts
Creator/Passion Economy DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Orgs) Metaverse  Trust and Scams
Cryptocurrency DeFi (Decentralized Finance) NFTs VR/AR (Virtual/Augmented Reality)

Below is a shortlist of industries being disrupted by Web3.
If your company is on this list, you better register!

Auctions Fashion Media Real Estate
Banking Financial Services Memorabilia and Collectibles Retail/Shopping
Education Gaming Music Sports
Energy Government News Supply Chain
Entertainment Healthcare Photography/videography Ticketing
Events Insurance Publishing Ventur Capital/PE/funding

Future-proof yourself and your organization by joining the Web3 Summit series…


Speakers include:


Having trouble with registration? Email: jill@cdoclub.com


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