New Chief Digital Officer (CDO) hires have doubled every year since 2005, and now number over 1,000 globally. Today more than 250 Chief Data Officers have entered business portals, up from zero in 2002, according to the CDO Club. In the last few months alone, the White House nominated its first-ever Chief Digital Officer, Jason […]
Tag Archives: Financial Times

Capgemini and MIT Reveal Why Every Organization Must Become a “Digital Master” at the Chief Digital Officer Summit (April 29 2015)

McKinsey: 30% have a Chief Digital Officer on their executive team
NEW YORK, NY September 12, 2013: McKinsey & Company’s annual global survey, Bullish on Digital, concludes that Chief Digital Officers are already playing critical roles in the C-suites of major global organizations: Thirty percent of respondents also report a chief digital officer (CDO) on their companies’ executive teams, a sign of the widespread awareness that […]