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5 Ways Chief Digital Officers can Implement Digital Transformation in Healthcare, by Mayur Gupta

By Mayur Gupta, Senior Vice President, Head of Digital at Healthgrades (former Global Head of Marketing Technology & Innovation for Kimberly Clarke) [bctt tweet=”New CDO Community Post: @inspiremartech @Healthgrades shares 5 ways CDOs can implement digital trans in healthcare” via=”no” url=”no”] It’s staggering to see the pace at which digital technology is changing the very traditional […]

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brian solis 1

Why Chief Digital Officers Must Invest in Experiences Over Products and Technology

By Brian Solis, Principal Analyst at Altimeter Group Thoughts from the new book, X: The Experience When Business Meets Design [bctt tweet=”New CDO Community Post: Find out why @briansolis says Experience is the New Brand” via=”no” url=”no”] In my research and in my work, I continue to observe the importance of experience in building long-term, […]

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Michael Krigsman

Twenty Influential Chief Digital Officers, compiled by CXOTalk’s Michael Krigsman

We are proud to welcome Michael Krigsman as a CDO Community contributor! Michael is the Founder of CXOTalk, which offers conversations with the most innovative and thoughtful business leaders in the world. The show’s opening episode began in March 2013 with Guy Kawasaki. Since then, CXOTalk has set the standard for thought-provoking enterprise thought leadership. Michael is recognized internationally as an industry analyst, […]

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