Digital Masters “are 26% more profitable than their average industry competitors,” revealed Dr. Didier Bonnet, Senior Vice President and Global Practice Leader at Capgemini Consulting. At a keynote address given at the 2015 CDO Summit on Wednesday, April 29, 2015, hosted at Thomson Reuters in New York City, Dr. Bonnet discussed research from his new book, […]
Tag Archives: Didier Bonnet

Number of Chief Digital Officers Doubled Again in 2014 — As Many CDOs Were Elevated to CEO and Board Directors in Q1 2015 as in All of 2014, According to the CDO Club
The CDO Club held its 3rd annual CDO Summit, sponsored by Capgemini, on Wednesday, April 29, 2015, hosted at Thomson Reuters in New York City. The CDO Summit addresses the challenges and opportunities arising from Big Data, the cloud, digital disruption, and social and mobile media, with an emphasis on the ascendant role of the […]

Capgemini and MIT Reveal Why Every Organization Must Become a “Digital Master” at the Chief Digital Officer Summit (April 29 2015)
New Chief Digital Officer (CDO) hires have doubled every year since 2005, and now number over 1,000 globally. Today more than 250 Chief Data Officers have entered business portals, up from zero in 2002, according to the CDO Club. In the last few months alone, the White House nominated its first-ever Chief Digital Officer, Jason […]