Live in SF: IBM CDO/CTO Summit West
If you missed any or all of the prior IBM CDO/CTO Summits from 2020 – 2022, you don’t want to miss this event!
Join us for the IBM CDO/CTO Summit series 2022 FINALE, as we re-cap the five previous events this year and last year:
2021 IBM CDO/CTO Summits: | 2020 IBM CDO/CTO Summits: |
We’ll summarize the previous events and bring back featured speakers to reflect on and update their original conversations.
Be sure to stay till the end, as we announce the winners of the CDO Club 2021 US “Chief Data Officer of the Year” and “Chief Analytics Officer of the Year” awards.
We cap it all off with a virtual reception and celebration featuring previous “CDO/CAO of the Year” award winners!
Speakers include:
All previous “CDO of the Year” award-winners dating back to 2013 can be found here.
Some recent winners are included below:
CDO Club’s US 2020 “CDO of the Year” award-winner DR. MONA SIDDIQUI at the 2020 IBM CDO/CTO Summit.
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