Welcome back to our Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update, through May 2016. In this issue, we list almost two dozen new CDO appointments for May alone; over a dozen CDOs who made the news last month; and new open CDO positions globally. These are exciting times to be a leader in digital transformation and building […]
What do Chief Digital Officers Do: The 3 Roles CDO’s Must Play to Succeed in Any Industry [Video]
“Digital is ubiquitous, dude,” said David Shing, the self-titled Digital Prophet at AOL, at a panel that explored digital leadership across a variety of industries, held at the 2014 CDO Summit at Time Warner in New York City on April 22, 2014. The panel identified the similarities and differences in the approach, strategy, and management […]
From Chief Digital Officer to CEO: 8 Tips on Making the Transition [VIDEO]
“Chief Digital Officers are next in line to run the show,” said CDO Club founder David Mathison. “If they’re successful in turning an incumbent company around, and bringing it into the digital age, they may be next in line.” As more Chief Digital Officers (CDO’s) became CEO’s last year than ever before, it has become increasingly clear […]
Global Demand for Chief Digital Officers and Chief Data Officers Continues at a Torrid Pace
In stark contrast to the recent sluggish jobs report from the U.S. Department of Labor, demand for Chief Digital Officers and Chief Data Officers (CDOs) still grows globally at a frantic rate. As projected in our 2014 CDO Talent Map, the CDO Club forecasts that the number of Chief Digital Officers will double again this year, growing […]