Welcome back to our Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update, through March 2020. Despite (or maybe because of) these turbulent times, March 2020 was yet another exceptional month for Chief Digital Officers. For a quick recap to date: January Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update: Hiring in this normally slow month was RED HOT, with new […]

Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update for February 2020
Welcome back to our Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update, through February 2020. Last month’s Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update was RED HOT, with new hires announced at Bayer, Chubb, Cognizant, McDonalds, Microsoft, Panera Bread, and Sainsbury’s, among others. New CDO hires continued its torrid pace again in February, with new hires last month at Amway, General Mills, Lloyd’s, Marriott, and Trustmark, […]

Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update for January 2020
Welcome back to our Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update, through January 2020. In this issue, we list TWENTY-THREE new CDO appointments for January; we tracked 87 CDO ARTICLES; and hand-picked THIRTY-ONE CDOs who made the news last month; and we posted more new open global CDO positions on our CDO Career page! New Chief Digital Officer placements (through […]

Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update for October 2019
The Queen is Hiring: Apply by Christmas Eve! Queen Elizabeth is hiring a “Head of Digital Engagement” to be based in her Private Secretary’s Office of Royal Communications at Buckingham Palace. The goal is “to engage a worldwide audience with the public role and work of The Royal Family.” The Royal Family’s social media accounts […]

Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update for September 2019
Welcome back to our Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update, through September 2019. In this issue, we list FIFTEEN new CDO appointments for September; we tracked 60 CDO ARTICLES; and hand-picked SEVENTEEN CDOs who made the news last month; and we posted more new open global CDO positions on our CDO Career page! New Chief Digital Officer placements (through […]