Since its inception in 2011, the CDO Club has been tracking the Chief Digital Officer to CEO/NED career trend, and for good reason: An increasing number of CDOs are making the leap to CEO. So far, in 2015 alone, 10 Chief Digital Officers have become CEO/President, while four have become Non-Executive Board Directors. In 2014, […]

Don’t Miss “From Bytes to Board: The Journey from Technology to the Boardroom” at the 2015 U.K. Chief Digital Officer Summit

U.K. Chief Digital Officer Summit Announces Agenda and Speakers for 2nd Annual Event in London on 7 October 2015
Did you know the number of Chief Digital Officers is on track to double again in 2015, to 2,000 CDOs globally? Hundreds of those are based in the U.K. where we are witnessing the exact same trend. Also, in 2015 alone, 10 Chief Digital Officers have become CEO/President, while four have become Non-Executive Board Directors, […]

Top 5 Tips for Chief Digital Officers in the Public Sector
Last week we took a look at what inspired the digital and data revolution that fundamentally transformed the way the United Kingdom’s government does business. While there’s no doubt that top-down political leadership helped push digital transformation, it was up to Chief Digital Officers in the U.K.’s various civil service agencies and local governments to […]

What Chief Digital Officers can learn from the Digital and Data Revolution in the U.K.
“Incredible change is happening in government,” said Rohan Silva, Co-Founder at Second Home. He should know. As a senior policy adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron from 2010 to 2013, Silva helped spearhead the open data revolution in the United Kingdom’s government. “The good thing about being away from government is that, for starters, you […]