Linda Boff, Chief Marketing Officer at GE, was today recognized as U.S. Chief Digital Officer of the Year 2016 by the CDO Club, the world’s largest community of C-suite digital and data leaders. Boff is being recognized for her leadership in transforming the GE brand as the company becomes a ‘Digital Industrial’ company. [bctt tweet=”Linda […]

GE CMO Linda Boff to Keynote NYC Chief Digital Officer Summit on April 27, 2016
Chief Digital Officers aren’t the only C-level professionals leading digital transformation. Linda Boff, CMO at GE, proves the importance of digital leadership in the marketing function as she helps turn GE into a “digital industrial company.” That’s why we are proud to announce that Linda Boff will be the Featured Keynote Speaker at the NYC CDO […]

Agenda Announced: 4th Annual NYC CDO Summit, Sponsored by Centric Digital, Returns to Thomson Reuters on April 27, 2016
Speakers, keynotes, and sponsors have just been announced for the fourth annual NYC CDO Summit, presented by Centric Digital, a global digital transformation partner. The all day U.S. event will take place on April 27, 2016 at Thomson Reuters in New York City. Linda Boff, CMO of GE, has been confirmed as the event’s featured […]

Keynotes Announced for the 4th Annual NYC Chief Digital Officer Summit at Thomson Reuters on April 27 2016
Digital and data leaders from some of the world’s most prestigious organizations are meeting at Thomson Reuters in New York City on April 27, 2016 for the NYC CDO Summit presented by Centric Digital! Organizers for the NYC CDO Summit have just confirmed the full speaker list and keynotes. The event will offer in-depth discussions surrounding […]