The second annual Sydney CDO Summit took place on Wednesday 15 March 2017 in the Water Room at the prestigious Pier One, overlooking Sydney Harbour. Follow these links for the full speaker list and agenda from the Sydney Summit. Videos from all keynotes and panels from every CDO Summit to date – including Sydney – are […]

Look What Happened at The Inaugural Sydney CDO Summit
The CDO Club held its inaugural Sydney CDO Summit, presented by Accenture Digital on 1 March, 2016 at the UTS Business School. The CDO Summit addresses the challenges and opportunities arising from big data, the cloud, digital disruption, and social and mobile media. The event took place at a pivotal time for digital innovation in […]

Inaugural Sydney Chief Digital Officer Summit Sells Out!
Organizers for the inaugural Sydney CDO Summit, presented by Accenture Digital, have announced that sales have exceeded expectations and that the event, hosted at the UTS Business School in Sydney on 1 March 2016, has completely sold out of tickets. Attendees at the CDO Summit will learn how to focus zealously on improving the customer experience, build and […]

Meet Paul Shetler, the CEO of Australia’s Digital Transformation Office (DTO) at the Sydney CDO Summit
The government of Australia is encouraging an “ideas boom” by actively promoting collaboration between government, business, and academia. Its being driven by digital-friendly government initiatives such an unprecedented $1.1 billion AUD ($800 million USD) innovation investment, and the launch of the first-ever Digital Transformation Office (DTO). And one technology leader stands uniquely poised to take advantage […]

Twenty Influential Chief Digital Officers, compiled by CXOTalk’s Michael Krigsman
We are proud to welcome Michael Krigsman as a CDO Community contributor! Michael is the Founder of CXOTalk, which offers conversations with the most innovative and thoughtful business leaders in the world. The show’s opening episode began in March 2013 with Guy Kawasaki. Since then, CXOTalk has set the standard for thought-provoking enterprise thought leadership. Michael is recognized internationally as an industry analyst, […]