The first time most people heard of Watson, IBM’s artificially intelligent computer, was when it won the quiz show Jeopardy against two brilliant former (human) champions in 2011. A few years later, Watson moved on to a more ambitious challenge: the cure for cancer. In partnership with the Baylor College of Medicine, Watson looked through […]

Companies with Digital Masters are 26% more profitable than their industry competitors
Digital Masters “are 26% more profitable than their average industry competitors,” revealed Dr. Didier Bonnet, Senior Vice President and Global Practice Leader at Capgemini Consulting. At a keynote address given at the 2015 CDO Summit on Wednesday, April 29, 2015, hosted at Thomson Reuters in New York City, Dr. Bonnet discussed research from his new book, […]

Chief Digital Officer Jobs for June 2015
Welcome back to our Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update, through June 2015: New Chief Digital Officer placements (through June 2015): Congratulations to the new Chief Digital Officers at City of New York, Kwittken, Margaritaville Enterprises, Men’s Warehouse, Michelin, and Olympique Lyonnais, among others. Welcome to the CDO Club! Chief Digital Officers ‘In the News’: Over […]

Chief Data Officer Jobs for June 2015
Welcome back to our Chief DATA Officer JOBS Update, through June 2015: New Chief Data Officer placements (through June 2015): Congratulations to the new Chief Data Officers at Clinical Ink; Drinker, Biddle & Reath LLP; Movio; and TechTarget among others. Welcome to the CDO Club! Chief Data Officers ‘In the News’: How did these Chief Data Officers make news in June: Kanishka Agarwal, […]