Welcome back to our Chief DATA Officer JOBS Update, through March 2015: New Chief Data Officer placements (through March 2015): Congratulations to the new Chief Data Officers at Catalina, MindShare, OrderUp, US Dept of Commerce, Veda Group, and Wunderman among others. Welcome to the CDO Club! Chief Data Officers ‘In the News’: How did these Chief Data Officers make news in March: Bringham […]

Job Opportunities at the Chief Digital Officer Summit and CDO Club
Looking for fulfilling work? Know someone who is? The Chief Digital Officer Summit and CDO Club is hiring: VP & General Manager, Online: We’re looking for a General Manager with 10-15 years experience in operating and running online platforms as a profit center. You will be responsible for the CDOClub.com blog, and all CDOSummit.com sites (such as New […]

Number of Chief Digital Officers Doubled Again in 2014 — As Many CDOs Were Elevated to CEO and Board Directors in Q1 2015 as in All of 2014, According to the CDO Club
The CDO Club held its 3rd annual CDO Summit, sponsored by Capgemini, on Wednesday, April 29, 2015, hosted at Thomson Reuters in New York City. The CDO Summit addresses the challenges and opportunities arising from Big Data, the cloud, digital disruption, and social and mobile media, with an emphasis on the ascendant role of the […]

CDO Club Names Starbucks Coffee Company’s Adam Brotman U.S. Chief Digital Officer of the Year 2015
NEW YORK, April 29, 2015 – CDO Club, the world’s first and largest community of C-suite digital leaders, with over 1,000 members, today named Adam Brotman, Starbucks Coffee Company’s Chief Digital Officer, the 2015 U.S. Chief Digital Officer of the Year. Brotman was named the recipient of the award during CDO Club founder David Mathison’s […]