Rebekah Horne, Chief Digital Officer at the National Rugby League (NRL), was today named the first-ever Australian Chief Digital Officer of the Year 2016 by the CDO Club. Horne was announced as the recipient of the award after participating in the “DNA of the CDO – Reinvention or Unique?” panel moderated by executive search firm […]

Rebekah Horne, Chief Digital Officer at National Rugby League, named first Australian CDO of the Year by CDO Club

Fireside Chat with Gerd Schenkel, Executive Director Telstra Digital at the Sold-Out Sydney CDO Summit
The most feared term in the telecommunications industry is “dumb-pipe.” It’s a term coined for outdated internet providers, unable to compete with insurgents like Google Voice and Skype when it comes to calling services. To avoid the dreaded label, Australian telecom Telstra tapped Gerd Schenkel in 2011 to lead their newly established Telstra Digital division […]

See The Future Of Sports And Fan Engagement at the Sold-Out Sydney CDO Summit
Need an example of the impact digital has had on sports in Australia? Take the venerable Australian Open tennis tournament that took place in Melbourne in January: While the actual matches were played in much the same way, digital innovation allowed the event organisers to increase fan engagement and secure greater revenues than ever before. […]

Inaugural Sydney Chief Digital Officer Summit Sells Out!
Organizers for the inaugural Sydney CDO Summit, presented by Accenture Digital, have announced that sales have exceeded expectations and that the event, hosted at the UTS Business School in Sydney on 1 March 2016, has completely sold out of tickets. Attendees at the CDO Summit will learn how to focus zealously on improving the customer experience, build and […]

Experts to reveal the DNA of the Chief Digital Officer at Sydney CDO Summit on March 1 2016
The Chief Digital Officer title has been controversial since conception. Are Chief Digital Officers just glorified CIOs, CTOs or CMOs? Or is this a unique leadership role with completely different origins? Do CDOs require a technology or marketing background, or does their role demand a completely different perspective altogether? To shed light on this timely issue, Paul […]