The Top 10 Ways for Chief Digital Officers to Dominate PR [VIDEO]

“Content & Storytelling: Is the PR Landscape Shifting?” NYC CDO Summit 2014

Gone are the days when companies could succeed in engaging their audience with the blunt equivalent of a megaphone.

Billboards and press releases have become expensive background noise when compared to the numerous, innovative ways a company can deliver its story and content using digital engagement.

The CDO Club brought together some of the leading voices in this new public relations landscape for a panel titled “Content & Storytelling: Is the PR Landscape Shifting?” held at the 2014 CDO Summit at the Time Warner Center in New York City on April 22, 2014.

Participants included, from left to right in the video below:

  • Linda Perry-Lube (Moderator): Chief Digital Officer at RF | BINDER
  • Thomas Gensemer: Chief Strategy Officer at Burson Marstellar
  • David Richeson: Chief Digital Officer at Fenton Communications
  • Steve Rubel: Chief Content Strategist at Edelman
  • Scott Schneider: Chief Digital Officer at Ruder Finn

View video below.....

*The rest of this article is for CDO Club members only*

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“The Chief Digital Officer Summit was engaging as much as it was informative. Bringing these incredible leaders together in one place and for one day speaks to David Mathison’s extensive network, his ability to understand the needs of his clients, and to be ahead of the curve in this important space. It was a great use of my time, and I learned more than I ever thought I would. Great networking as well!”

Sandy Soto
VP Executive Talent Acquisition

“The Chief Digital Officer Summit was a very relevant topic for today’s times. I was impressed by the caliber and diversity of the panel speakers, all of whom had something unique and valuable to offer. A great opportunity to learn from the best.”

Amanda Jones-Orengo
Towers Watson

“Sometimes a conference comes along that hits the trifecta – hot topic, high-caliber attendees, and stellar location. The first Chief Digital Officer Summit reached that mark with ease, and I look forward to attending the next one.”

Eric Hellweg
Managing Director, Digital Strategy/Editorial Director
Harvard Business Review

“The Chief Digital Officer Summit was outstanding. Why? Candid panels with top players in the digital community. Splendid break-time conversations. And, savvy facilitation, Mathison Style.”

Margaret Molloy
Chief Marketing Officer

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