Chief Data Officer JOBS Update (Q4 2014)

Did you know that the Harvard Business Review named the data scientist as “the sexiest job of the 21st century,” and that research firm Gartner predicted that 25% of organizations will have a Chief Data Officer by 2017?

I can’t comment on the opinion expressed by HBR, but judging by the pipeline of open Chief Data Officer roles (see below), Gartner’s forecast might actually be on target.

So, welcome to the inaugural issue of our CDO JOBS Update for Chief DATA Officers!

[bctt tweet=”WOW! Take a look at all the Chief Data Officer Jobs for Q4 of 2014 via @BeTheMedia” via=”no” url=”no”]

Similar to last week’s CDO JOBS Update for Chief DIGITAL Officers, this Update focuses on opportunities for Chief DATA Officers and includes the following features:

  • Open Chief Data Officer jobs: See ten open slots below
  • New Chief Data Officer appointments (Q4 2014): Includes placements at the Ford Motor Company, the City of San Diego, Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services, and Deutsche Bank, among others
  • Chief Data Officer Movers and Shakers: Tom Schenk Jr. at the City of Chicago and Jeff Johnston at Tradedoubler
  • Chief Data Officers In the News: Articles in the New York Times and Forbes, among others

EDITORS NOTE: See more recent CDO JOBS Updates below:

Here’s a look at just a few of the open posts we’ve listed on our dedicated career page:


In addition to the ten open Chief Data Officer slots mentioned below, our career page also lists dozens of open digital jobs, including four Chief Digital Officer jobs in Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, and England; and six SVP positions at Citi (x2), IPG, Turner, Hearst, and Oglivy.

We are also working on these for our Executive Search Partner Network: Head of Insights and Marketing Analytics; Vice President of Digital Ops; and Head of Web Strategy (“CDO Light”).

If you know of any qualified candidates, or have other open C-level digital positions, send them over so we can post them. Who knows? It may help one of your fellow CDO colleagues.

DeptOfTheTreasury DeptOfCommerce

Department Of The Treasury
Washington, DC
United States

Department of Commerce
Washington, DC
United States

 dow-jones-logo Kennesaw_State

Dow Jones
New York
United States

Kennesaw State University
United States

 1000px-Credit_Suisse_svg kaiser permanente

Credit Suisse
New York
United States

Kaiser Permanente
United States

RBS citizens bank

The Royal Bank of Scotland

Citizens Financial Group
United States

CAS Barclays

Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
United States

South Africa

Learn more about these jobs and view more here.

[bctt tweet=”Congrats @PaulBDnB @MrMaksimize @N_Brennan @jobsworth″ via=”no” url=”no”]

View new Chief Data Officer appointments, movers and shakers and news articles below.....

*The rest of this article is for CDO Club members only*

NOTE: The CDO Club is now a membership site. You’ll need to register in order to continue enjoying our posts. To register or for more information, click here.

If you are tasked with understanding what digital leaders must do in order to succeed in almost any industry, the best place to learn more is at the Chief Digital Officer Summit.

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The CDO Summit is the “must-attend” digital event of the year. The 2013 and 2014 CDO Summits received stellar endorsements from dozens of speakers and attendees alike:

“The Chief Digital Officer Summit was engaging as much as it was informative. Bringing these incredible leaders together in one place and for one day speaks to David Mathison’s extensive network, his ability to understand the needs of his clients, and to be ahead of the curve in this important space. It was a great use of my time, and I learned more than I ever thought I would. Great networking as well!”

Sandy Soto
VP Executive Talent Acquisition

“The Chief Digital Officer Summit was a very relevant topic for today’s times. I was impressed by the caliber and diversity of the panel speakers, all of whom had something unique and valuable to offer. A great opportunity to learn from the best.”

Amanda Jones-Orengo
Towers Watson

“Sometimes a conference comes along that hits the trifecta – hot topic, high-caliber attendees, and stellar location. The first Chief Digital Officer Summit reached that mark with ease, and I look forward to attending the next one.”

Eric Hellweg
Managing Director, Digital Strategy/Editorial Director
Harvard Business Review

“The Chief Digital Officer Summit was outstanding. Why? Candid panels with top players in the digital community. Splendid break-time conversations. And, savvy facilitation, Mathison Style.”

Margaret Molloy
Chief Marketing Officer

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