Welcome back to our Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update, through June 2015:
- New Chief Digital Officer placements (through June 2015): Congratulations to the new Chief Digital Officers at City of New York, Kwittken, Margaritaville Enterprises, Men’s Warehouse, Michelin, and Olympique Lyonnais, among others. Welcome to the CDO Club!
- Chief Digital Officers ‘In the News’: Over a DOZEN Chief Digital Officers made news in June, including Albert Cheng, Jennifer Black-Glover, Daniel Eilemberg, Gareth Mulruan, David Payne, Christian Purser, Ralph Rivera, Marco Ryan, and Ketan Samani. And Paul Shetler make the CDO Hall of Fame! How? Find out inside.
- Open Chief Digital Officer Jobs: Hey, we just added 2 NEW open jobs! Inside, you’ll find open posts for Chief Digital Officers, Chief Data Officers, and other C-level digital and data positions. Be sure to review the open posts on our dedicated career page, which lists dozens of open jobs.
[bctt tweet=”Wow! Look at all the Chief Digital Officer appointments and news in June 2015 http://bit.ly/1IdgDMc” via=”no” url=”no”]
You’ll find the details on all this and more below.
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Laura Lee | Ben Baum | Jessica Singleton | Adam Snyder |
Also check out our previous CDO JOBS Updates here:
- Chief DIGITAL Officer JOBS Update (May 2015)
- Chief DIGITAL Officer JOBS Update (April 2015)
- Chief DIGITAL Officer JOBS Update (March 2015)
- Chief DIGITAL Officer JOBS Update (February 2015)
- Chief DIGITAL Officer JOBS Update (January 2015)
- Chief DIGITAL Officer JOBS Update (Q4 2014)
- Chief DATA Officer JOBS Update (June 2015)
- Chief DATA Officer JOBS Update (April & May 2015)
- Chief DATA Officer JOBS Update (March 2015)
- Chief DATA Officer JOBS Update (February 2015)
- Chief DATA Officer JOBS Update (January 2015)
- Chief DATA Officer JOBS Update (Q4 2014)
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including the 2015 NYC CDO Summit
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Click here to visit our Membership page for more information......
If you are tasked with understanding what digital leaders must do in order to succeed in almost any industry, the best place to learn more is at the CDO Summit.
Register today for the Sydney CDO Summit on 01 March, 2016, presented by Accenture Digital.
Also sign up now to lock in our Super Early Bird Discount for NYC in April 2016, and Toronto in July 2016.
Reserve your place now:
The CDO Summit is the “must-attend” digital event of the year. The 2013, 2014 and 2015 CDO Summits received stellar endorsements from dozens of speakers and attendees alike:

“Thank you for an intense and inspiring U.K. CDO Summit. The content and networking were well worth the trip and investment.”
Daniel Ebneter
Chief Digital OfficerHogrefe Publishing Group
Chief Digital Officer

"The NYC CDO Summit was an awesome day - content - speakers - learnings. Everything."
Jo Ann Saitta
Chief Digital OfficerThe CDM Group
Chief Digital Officer

“The opportunity to keynote at the inaugural U.K. CDO Summit in London was once in a lifetime experience. As the world’s youngest CDO, I learned valuable lessons from other digital leaders and gained a greater sense of confidence and energy leaving the event.
Gordon Ching
Chief Digital OfficerAIESEC
Chief Digital Officer

"Great experience at the CDO Summit in NYC. Hats off to David Mathison (@BeTheMedia) and the organizers for getting so many incredible digital leaders in one room, year after year."
Ryan Bonifacino
CMO & SVP DigitalAlex and Ani